The Top 8 Most James Franco Things James Franco Said


Photo courtesy of Instagram @jamesfrancotv It happens every year, but this year it happened with the one and only James Franco. Spewing sexuality energy and at times a blatant disregard for a filter he took the stage before he was even announced. Students and alumni alike stared on adoringly at his blue bomber jacket was covered with pink flowers, desperately wondering “what the hell is going to come out his mouth.” While it was quite obvious that his mustache was clearly one of his most prized possessions, his much-anticipated humor was soon all we could focus on.

For those of you not fortunate enough to get a ticket or were too inebriated from the alumni weekend glories to attend, here are the 8 best things James Franco said.

1. “I did a couple horrible things, like Pacific Blue.”

Yeah, true. You win some you lose some.

2. “I looked like a crazed person in that.”

When referring to a video of him teaching at UCLA. Imagine having James Franco as your teacher, you’d never skip class (or office hours).

3. “I might have even cried…I don’t know I was young.”

So apparently even James Franco gets rejected and cries about it. It’s okay James, happens to the best of us.

4. “I was in second grade. Made a move on Jenny Brown.”

Oh, Jenny Brown! Where is she now? What a lucky gal.

5. “My dates go pretty well…I’ll tell you the secret, be interested in the other person. Open up to them and they will share. Unless there’s no hope for them.”

Good to know there is a romantic side to Franco. Don’t worry peers, I volunteer as tribute.

6. “The Oscar’s criticism gave me hemorrhoids.”

There is no such thing as TMI with Franco. Maybe next time just wait for your name to be called? Leave the hosting to Bill Crystal (9-time Oscars host).

7. “So I guess I like rabbits.”

If you’re a rabbit, I’m a rabbit.

8. “I get weird gifts, I get weird pictures. I haven’t looked at my direct messages in years…it’s nasty.”

So did you get the 200 emails I sent or no?


Mr. Franco ended the show by asking what was going on that night. As far as I know, the audience’s “Chucks!” chants were unsuccessful. But who knows about that one girl in the audience who yelled out, “my bed.” I’m pulling for you girl.


James Franco at Syracuse University was a UU Sponsored Event.