What You Should Actually Wear at the Airport


DSC_0025 (1) If you’ve ever been in line at the airport, perfectly happy in your groutfit-of-the-day, there will undoubtedly be that one person who is dressed to the nines in a place where she (or he) absolutely should not be. No one wants to wear nice shoes just to take them off and throw them into a bin. So, lady, why are you wearing jeans? And are those leather jeans!? And why, in god’s name, are you wearing stilettos?

Airports are huge, the hallways are endless, you’ll probably be running to catch a flight at some point, and you will most likely never be able to get a ride from those employees driving around on the golf cart thingys. Why choose to be uncomfortable in this already nightmarish environment (aside from, maybe, the sunshine you will have in a few hours)?

In lieu of this outfit faux pas, there needs to be some serious adjustments to the “I just walked out of a photo shoot” look that rare but consistently obnoxious airport visitors put on display.

They probably just bought those heels, and maybe they’re the hottest new thing out there, but I hate to break it to you, heels and airports definitely do not have a good track record.

The boyfriend she’s standing with, probably no more than another accessory, is solely determined to get to the gate on time. He’s 100% not focused on what you’re wearing, and neither are the rest of the people at the airport, or the TSA agents that sit in the same place every day and see millions of people pass through, going off on adventures they probably wish they could go on.

As a woman who does many things extra, I understand the lengths it takes to wake up an hour earlier than everyone else. It’s time consuming having to shower, do your hair, moisturize, and apply makeup. So, for this airport situation, A for effort, but F for practicality. Looking like you just walked off a runway may be good for an important day at the office, but when you’re about go sit on a Boeing 747 for who knows how long, surrounded by crying babies, and questionable others, I wouldn’t recommend this look.

Since I sort of feel bad for you, and because of the fact that in about five minutes you will be going through security, and your most likely perfectly manicured feet will have to touch the ground that millions touch every hour, I want to help you. Woman to woman, it’s our job to lend a hand, or a pair of socks… in your case.

Some new tips for the next time you travel: COMFORT IS KEY. ALWAYS. End of discussion.

When you’re sitting on any airplane, whether the flight lasts 10 hours, or just an hour, it’s crucial to wear a pair of pants that can withstand the bumps, dumps, and inevitable spills. For example: maybe a pair of Urban Outfitters grey sweats?










These $50 sweats will feel like you’re sitting on a cloud as you curl up into the weirdest positions possible to get an ounce of sleep on that musty old plane.

Next, let’s address the shoe situation. Airports have no sympathy for you, or the balls of your feet, so instead of putting your feet through the pain that is only necessary during a night out on the town, let’s make the switch to sneakers.


These Nike Free Runs are perfect and trendy for your journey from the security line to your gate, which will most likely be on the complete opposite end of the airport. You’re going to need the support and flexibility of a comfy pair of sneaks like these.2067934_fpx

And last but most certainly not least, the cherry on top of a comfy outfit… a comfy sweater. This can be virtually any sweater you can find, but you want to avoid tight, white, and the ready for the beach look. Layers are the key to success.

This Free People ribbed tank is perfect to keep on under a comfy sweater just in case they decide to turn off the air conditioning and you find yourself sweating buckets with nowhere to turn but your music and a voucher for a vodka tonic.

Traveling is ruthless, time consuming, and all around stressful. No one likes it, but it’s a sacrifice we’re willing to make for actual warmth at this time of year. Though we do admire the time you spent picking out those very tight leather jeans, your stilettos, and that spandex tight white tank hugging you in all the wrong places…next time stick to the societally accepted airport rules for an exponentially better traveling experience.