Viktor & Rolf’s Newest Collection is the Most Meme-able of All Time


This week the Viktor & Rolf Haute Couture fashion show had everyone talking… including the dresses. Each gown looked straight out of a cynical fairytale: wonderfully large with bright colors that made them look like large tiered cakes. But of course, the dresses wouldn’t be so shocking without the phrases embroidered on each of them. And not just any phrases. Think of reaction memes or even the thoughts you have rolling around inside your own head. Take a look at some of these masterpieces and see these masterpieces for yourself:  


The only real con when it comes to these dresses is that they probably cost as much as four years of tuition, yearly rent, and every textbook in the bookstore put together. In the meantime, catch us desperately trying to recreate these lüks for the rest of the year. Who’s in?