The Week: What You Missed


¦Sunday, June 12th¦

The Miami Heat didn't look so hot on Sunday night when the Mavericks clenched the NBA championship title for the first time in the franchise history. The loss didn't stop Heat fans from torching up Facebook news feeds though...

Also, German scientists studying the E coli breakout due to a batch of sprouts discovered that the majority of people becoming affected are women. Ladies, stick to the ole apple-a-day. Apparently eating your veggies won't keep the doctor away.

¦Monday, June 13th¦

Obama stated during an interview with Today’s Ann Curry he would resign if he were in Anthony Weiner’s shoes. Thank God Weiner heeded Obama's advice, we weren't sure how many more disturbing mirror-shot twitpics America could stomach.

The universe may be on Team Winklevoss after all! A new research study done on Facebook discovered that the social media site lost about 6 million users in the US last month. Karma's a bitch, ain't it Zuckerberg?

Need help deleting your Facebook? Check this out.

¦Tuesday, June 14th¦

In addition to #winning, Charlie Sheen might be starring in a new sitcom on an unnamed network. Hopefully a new job will keep him from rehab... and from creating any more ridiculous hashtags. #enoughalready

To the dismay of many, The Chipotle on Marshall Street might be the last Chipotle to ever open in Syracuse. Due to high food costs, the company will stop expanding for a while. If only they were open late night... belligerent Syracuse students with drunk munchies could easily cover the rising food costs themselves.

¦Wednesday, June 15th¦

The Gay Marriage Bill passed in NY state assembly and needs just one more vote in the Senate to pass. If it passes, it's only right that there be a celebratory flash mob in the streets of NYC to the soundtrack of Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way".

Due to all the 13-year-olds posting a pic or two and calling it "blogging", Tumblr now has more users than Wordpress. Although the numbers don't lie, Wordpress will still be our blog of choice.

¦Thursday, June 16th¦

Lady Gaga’s meat dress from the MTV Awards has been preserved and will be on display at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Mother Monster: 1, PETA: 0.

Rebecca Black’s “Friday” video has been officially removed from YouTube. But don't cause a riot just yet diehard fans, you can still listen to the song every Friday (on repeat) to pump you up for the weekend via the educational site SchoolTube. Or get your Rebecca Black fix through Katy Perry's latest video, "Last Friday Night". Rebecca makes an impressive cameo, as do some Gleeks.