Save This Summer, Spend Next Semester


By Christina Sterbenz

This topic does not need a whole lot of introduction. We’re college students, and we’re broke as fuck. I always intend to spend my summers working my ass off to save some money for the school year, but somehow, the end of August surprises me and so does my bank statement—which reads about $37. Follow these friendly, and maybe a little frugal, suggestions to keep a hold of your cash this summer.

Find the Deals: Since most of my excess cash during the school year goes toward food and alcohol, seeing movies does not make my list of necessary activities. On a lackluster summer evening, however, my friends and I will decide to see the occasional movie…and unfortunately spend 30 bucks on the accompanying ten-pound bag of popcorn and watered-down, gigantic Cherry Coke. Take the time to locate an older theater in your area that may only play one title at a time. Tickets can run as low as $1, and the one in my town even has a bar in the back called the China White Lounge. You stay classy, Akron. For New Yorkers, visit Silver Cinemas South Hill 8 in Poughkeepsie. Tickers are $2 every day and $1 on Tuesdays.

If your town does not have one of these, make sure to look in the newspaper for coupons. A lot of theaters run special deals, like selling tickets at children prices. Take advantage of coupons at your favorite restaurants too.

No Excuses: Even if you have the worst hangover since your initiation party, get your ass to work. Need incentive? Well if you’re deathly hungover, you probably spent a shit ton of money at the bar. Your paycheck cannot afford to take a cut, even for one day, and calling in “sick,” just once could get you fired. Your boss could probably find several smarter—and definitely more desperate—college kids to replace you. If you have to work the next day, just drink responsibly.

Make Sober Decisions for Drunk Nights: Speaking of the bar (and the award for best segue goes to…), never ever bring your credit or debit card with you. My town gets smaller every year, and I always run into that guy I met that one time at that place with so-and-so. After a few shots, he becomes my new best friend and I end the night by picking up his tab. I wave goodbye to my new friend (whose name I won’t remember) and about 100 bucks. Avoid this by hitting up the ATM, preferably before you start drinking, and withdraw just enough cash to fuel your alcoholism for that night only.

Avoid Seasonal Purchases: My last suggestion mostly applies to women, but metrosexuals and homosexuals feel free to listen as well. If you go to Syracuse, you know that winter starts in September and ends in May. Simple math will show that we spend almost nine months of our lives in cold weather, so why do summer clothes constitute half of our wardrobe? I know that tie-dye maxi dress will look adorable over your bathing suit, but just say no. Enlist a friend to hold you back if necessary. If you really have a shopping itch that you need to scratch, follow my previous tip and only bring a set amount of cash with you.

Follow these simple suggestions and hopefully your pockets will be less empty when the first day of class arrives.