

By Shea Garner

As an Apple fanboy myself, it’s hard to deny the appeal of the iPhone. It’s an incredibly user-friendly smartphone that pairs gorgeous design with functionality. Hell, all those people waiting in line for days on end to get their hands on the next gen version can’t be wrong, right?

But what’s next for the nation’s most popular cellular device? Each version only marks a subtle differentiation from the former, and, let’s be honest, was the introduction of Siri really worth the price of an upgrade from the iPhone 4 to the 4s? Google’s Android market has far more hardware variety and variation. Even Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, claimed the company has fallen behind in the smartphone market.

And while Apple CEO Tim Cook continues to insist that the iPhone is about the user experience and not the necessity of a larger screen, it is rumored that Apple is answering the call, and introducing the bigger iPhone+ and an iPhone “5s” within the next year. Providing the consumer with more options is key and may very well push Apple even further into the market lead.

The uniform design of the iPhone is certainly accredited to its iconic image, but the introduction of a bit of variety into their product line is more than welcome. Angry Birds on a 5” screen sounds more appealing than Harrison Ford in the upcoming Star Wars sequel.

What do you think of Apple’s proposed new lineup? Let us know in the comments section below or tweet us @jerkmagazine.