Booze to Lose: Avoiding the Beer Belly


By Christina Sterbenz

College life changes drastically from year to year. We forsake our old majors for different, less practical ones, make new friends and drinking buddies, and always prey upon the hottest members of the newest pledge class of whatever Greek house. However, the four-year battle against the beer belly bulge remains pretty consistent. Countless sophomores, juniors, and even seniors are still trying to lose that freshman fifteen.

But there’s one overriding force that makes this goal particularly difficult: alcohol intake. Obviously, we’re not about to sacrifice kegstands in exchange for flatter abs. To strike a balance – and avoid consuming a full day’s worth of calories in one night out – take a look at the tips below.

1. Don’t opt for beer as your go-to drink. Some brands contain as many as 300 calories per 12-oz. serving. If you simply can't resist (or a drinking game requires it), stick to light beer. Try Amstel Light, one of the top imported beers in Amurrica, with only 95 calories and 5 grams of carbs. I doubt you’ll find it in a keg, though, so stock up on your own to ensure your maximum healthy-factor. As an added bonus, for those of you not already getting into parties for free (ahem, sorry gentlemen), bringing your own alcohol supply sometimes minimizes entry costs.

2. In instances that don’t put your life at risk, try to combine physical activity and drinking. Outdoor games like Beerball can help you burn off calories.

3. Distilled spirits, such as vodka, whiskey, and rum, have no carbohydrates. Mixers are the killer – they often contain high amounts of sugar, carbs, and cals. Easy substitutes: use Diet Coke or Coke Zero instead of regular Coca-Cola, and use seltzer water with a splash of juice instead of a full glass of juice.

4. Worst case scenario: be a drunkorexic for a night. Obvious cons: the gross taste of bile in your mouth. Other less reasonable options include going to the gym the morning after.

What's your best way to cut calories while still getting shitfaced? Comment below.