Video: Angel Food Trifle and Strawberry Rum Smoothie


By Alison Joy, Monica DeStefano, Alyssa Di Rienzo [vimeo video_id="31585270" width="400" height="300" title="Yes" byline="Yes" portrait="Yes" autoplay="No" loop="No" color="00adef"]

Jerk honors National Angel Food Cake Day with a delicious Angel Food Trifle, paired with a refreshing Strawberry Rum Smoothie

For those of you who didn’t know, October 10th is National Angel Food Cake Day (for those of you who were aware… that’s odd)! Instead of all that rich, heavy, autumn food, we’re going to change it up with a light Strawberry Angel Food Trifle. Fresh berries, spongy cake, lemon yogurt and flaked coconut make for a delicious (and low-calorie) treat! Pair it with a tangy vodka fruit smoothie and you’re good to go. Goodbye fall, hello tropical paradise!

Strawberry Angel Food Trifle

2 ½ cups angel food cake, cubed

1 tbsp orange juice

4 oz. lemon yogurt (about half of a standard-sized yogurt cup)

1 cup whipped cream

1 ½ cups sliced strawberries

1 tbsp coconut flakes

1. In a glass bowl or large cup, pour angel food cake cubes as a base layer

2. Pour the orange juice over the cubes, letting them soak up the flavor

3. Mix the yogurt and ¾ cup of whipped cream together, and spoon over the cake

4. Pour the strawberry slices on top

5. Garnish with whipped cream and coconut flakes (for added flair, toast the coconut flakes briefly in the oven!)

Vodka Fruit Smoothie

5 tbsp vodka

½ cup orange juice

¼ cup strawberries

½ cup ice

1 scoop ice cream (vanilla or fruit-flavored)

1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and mix until well incorporated.


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