11 Things Leo Has Done Since Winning An Oscar

Taken from https://www.instagram.com/p/BCfZ2BatFqZ/ Leonardo DiCaprio, one of the greatest actors of our time, has starred in dozens of films throughout his career. Some of his best include The Departed, Romeo and Juliet, Gangs of New York, Wolf of Wall Street, and Inception. Although he has many well-reviewed movies under his belt, he only recently received his first Academy Award for The Revenant. Leo’s losing streak for Best Actor at the Academy Awards has been an ongoing joke for years. Memes and gifs poking fun at Leo’s lack of an Oscar crowded the Internet. Now that he has won, the meme’s have changed a bit, and so has Leo.

Here are a few things our favorite actor has probably a done since claiming his long-deserved title.

  1. Said, "I'm going to Disney World!" Wait, is that only for the Super Bowl?
  2. Paid Instagram to permanently delete all of the memes making fun of him.
  3. Installed a shrine in his house to hold the award statue. We're thinking a pure gold base complete with thousands of diamonds.
  4. Used the trophy as a sex toy. C’mon. We all expected this.
  5. Fired his therapist because he no longer needs counseling. Now that he won he has nothing to complain about.
  6. Took a trip to Bora Bora with his trophy as his date. There is absolutely no denying that he flew himself and his shiny award on a private jet across the country.
  7. Deleted the hate mail he was going to send to the Academy if he didn’t win. He smugly dumped his strongly worded draft in the trash.
  8. Re-watched The Revenant at least five times the night after the Oscars. Leo wanted to see his performance again, and again, andddd again now that he won best actor.
  9. Took his trophy out for a candle lit dinner. Table for two, please?
  10. Invited his family and closest friends over and reenacted his acceptance moment. *yells at his mom for destroying the world with plastic cups*
  11. Replayed his name being called for the award on a continuous, five-hour loop. Narcissistic or pathetic?