Why the Bachelorette Should Be Canceled
graphic by bailey kretschmer
Don’t even get us started on all the reasons why this season of “The Bachelorette” is a dumpster fire. While there is certainly a lot to unpack, today we are going to focus on one very specific and shocking part that took place in episode two of the current season.
Last week on “The Bachelorette,” fans experienced an extremely uncomfy viewing. It was decided by the ABC producers that the men on the group date were going to play a game of strip dodgeball in front of the bachelorette, Claire Crawley. We don’t mean just removing their shirts. No, these men had to strip down until they were very much naked in front of Crawley and the rest of America.
While there are many things wrong with this event taking place on national television, the main problem is the extremely sexualized objectification of these men. A date on “The Bachelorette” is supposed to allow the bachelorette to get to know a select group of men a little better. But not in that way. Instead, it is time for her to form a personal connection with her potential suitors and get to know their personalities and backgrounds a little better. Although we would like to make it clear that Jerk does not blame Crawley for her participation, as we understand that she is under contract, ABC and the Bachelor franchise is to be held accountable for this disgusting display of degradation.
What is presented with this embarrassing act of strip dodgeball is a glaringly obvious double standard. If these were women, the media and public would have been in a complete uproar. ABC would probably not be allowed to air an episode in which females were told to strip down to nothing, while a man just sat and watched. While women have faced more objectification than the male population over the course of human history, that does not make it okay to objectify men right back. This behavior is never acceptable, regardless of the gender presented.
Yes, the naked human body is beautiful and should be celebrated, but it is also a very intimate thing to share. That should not be forced upon someone under any obligation or situation. The men on the show were very clearly uncomfortable and humiliated throughout the episode. It should not be assumed that every man wants to show off his penis, especially after only knowing the people around them for a week.
If this is meant to serve as entertainment, we at Jerk are certainly not entertained. Do better ABC with your moral standards, not just your ratings!